As we all no ‘time and tide waits for none’. Time alone can do nothing, motivation,intellect,effort, and talent also plays vital role to make a name for oneself in the art world. The art scene in asian sub-continents can be very exciting with plenty of new artists making an impact through their works.
Here are 10 artists critics and patrons think will be making a big impact and are therefore worth looking out for in 2020. No longer limited to the classic canvas, these artists explore different techniques and media ranging from intricate paper cuts to detailed digital art taking visual arts to unimagined heights.

From being showcased at galleries around the world to creating their own virtual galleries on social media these Indian artists are creating a buzz online and off line.
1. Svabhu Kohli
Goa based Svabhu Kohli is a visual artist who creates magical images based on nature encompassing flora, fauna, the skies, the oceans, and everything that makes up the world around us. A digital artist, his illustrations are full of tiny details giving the viewer much to look at, discover, and enjoy!

2. Amit Kapoor
Amit kapoor is a leading master of watercolor medium in India. He has been recognized with top international honors for his paintings. His art captures the very soul of his subjects with passion. His exceptional drawing skills and extra ordinary abilities in art makes him proficient in any medium. His subjects include lot of compositional works like Streets, Kitchens, platforms and metropolitan cities where lovely play of light and shadow and perspectives are the main traits.
3. Dheer Kaku
Though he trained as a painter, Dheer Kaku moved on to digital media, long exposure photography and other forms to express himself in his quest to understand the “juncture between the body and the mind”.

4. Gipin Varghese
Gipin’s works are about various events that affect humans, especially in the non-urban context. One can see influences of Indian folk art traditions in his works. Watercolours are his forte.

5. Bhaskar Rao
Bhaskar Rao, a landscape artist from Hyderabad, is a recipient of many awards like Junior Fellowship from (H.R.D) Ministry of Tourism & Culture, Government of India, state awards and also international awards. Motiff “The Tree” has remained constant as part of his oeuvre over the years in his career.
6. Soumita Saha
An artist with intrinsic cultural root, best known for her mixed media work. Saha’s work redefines rawness and beauty that chaotic mess bears. Popularly known as a playback singer and EDM star Saha’s art work bears deep meaningful messages.
7. Anirban Mitra
One look at Anirban’s work and the viewer is assaulted with bright colours and lots of images vying for attention. On closer examination the chaos calms down and clearer images emerge taking the viewer on a journey of juxtaposed images from popular culture creating their own story.

8. Parul Gupta
Delhi based Parul Gupta has an MFA from Nottingham Trent University. Her minimalist style and leaning towards architectural images have resulted in stunning linear works on paper

9. Priyesh Trivedi
An artist by chance, Priyesh Trivedi and the phenomenon that is Adarsh Balak are bound to be on this list for the sheer brilliance of each art work and its message. Quietly subversive, Priyesh has his finger on the pulse of the millenials and is hugely popular with a cult following on social media.
Priyesh Trivedi a visual artist from Mumbai, have been making waves all around the country with his immensely popular Adarsh Balak series of sketches.

10. Sandesh Khule
A painter with intrinsic regional roots, Sandesh Khule has adopted the idioms of the abstraction. Geometry inherent is the primary source of inspiration for hs works. Sandesh believes that basic geometry is very powerful and that is the primary source of his insipiration for his works.