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Your perception guides your path

Did you know that people who didn’t had strong perception and mind-set failed and quitted their path? It is a word that is rarely used when someone start their journey onto their path of calling. When an individual starts his journey onto his path, it’s never a smooth journey. Obstacles, criticism, fear of losing and things like that hit hard from all directions. How one person perceives upper mentioned hurdles will define and structure the entire path.

It is your perception that will bring crystal clear clarity into the path you have chosen. If you do not perceive things clearly, then it is certain that you will fail. People who just do actions in blur surroundings often hit the wrong stroke and when they hit the wrong stroke, they tend to either blame everyone else or just quit. No matter what your end goal is, if your perception towards your path and your own self is not clear, you will most likely fail.

Perception is the way our brain interprets things and converts that information into something sensible. It is the perceiving ability of our mind, through which we see and recognize everything. If it wasn’t for that, the faces we see would just be a combination of differently sized shapes. Our mind creates meaning out of senses due to this only. If your perception is strong, everything you see, feel or even imagine will enhance exponentially. On the other side, if your perception is weak, the illusions which come into your path will distract you more quickly than a tiger hunts a deer. Having the right perception is the necessity in every aspect of life. It is our perceiving ability through which we are able to gain the information and knowledge from the seven divine planes of existence.

Our mind has the ability to perceive everything that is around us. The power of right perception is uncanny. When we have the same, goals are accomplished, financial stability is increased and above all, we lead a happy and healthy life. It is important in understanding human behavioural patterns. We are all familiar with the story of how one perceives the digits 6 from either ends. To one its 6 while for another person, standing at opposite end, the digit appears to be 9. Every individual perceives and approaches everything on a different frequency. How one feels a frequency might not resonate with what someone else is feeling for that frequency. It is because of perception that one finds a job interesting while the other feels the same job boring.

Strong and right perception to everything helps in strengthening the inner core of a human being. We as human being, with right perceiving ability, feel more confident and stronger to follow the path we have chosen for ourselves. With right mind set in our head, we apply right morals and values to make our path more smooth and distraction free. Life is all about perceptions.

Your perception towards yourself is far more important than what other perceives of you. Your right perception about yourself will give your ample of strength, confidence and morality to walk your path even if others view that path as obscured. The way which you see yourself in future and the way you frame things coming to you, will definitely be the path builder for your unique calling. Theta healing aligns your process with that of the universe. That’s why it is said that how you perceive yourself will be reflected back by the universe to you.MRS. SEEMA SINGAL, SPIRITUAL HEALER, FOUNDER – TATTVAM

An enthusiastic, self-motivated and sympathetic theta healing professional, who has worked with over 400 clients from various demographic and cultural backgrounds and restructured their life in a much positive and spiritual way. Seema Singal has guided many with physical issues, emotional issues like depression, fear, trauma, addiction and even financial and soul mate issues.

Having worked with hundreds of clients in last 10 years, Seema Singal has gained sufficient recognition as a great healer and public speaker. She is the reason why people who have been in issues like stress, depression, abuse etc. have gained confidence, boosted morality, support and happiness. Her clients originates from various cities like Kolkata, New Delhi, Hong Kong, UAE, London, US to name a few. 

While being master in Theta healing, her expertise doesn’t stop at one disciple only. She also holds knowledge in fields like:

1.    Astrology

2.    Scientific Palmistry

3.    Past Life Regression

4.    Vastu

About Ayushi Mehta

Social Media Links And Follower Count Zomato (Level 10) https://zomato.com/Ayushi_Mehta Twitter https://twitter.com/AyushiMehta22 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ayushi.mehta2/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ayushi.mehta2 Email - ayushi_mehta@rocketmail.com Based In Delhi

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